The Parametric Green Screen is the first experiment in creating customized parametric furniture utilizing digital fabrication and analog assembly. The geometry is programmed in Rhino/Grasshopper to match desired overall dimensions and meet material/fabrication constraints. From here geometry can be panelized across the sheet and altered by a wide array factors to adjust for micro-climate or produce a desired aesthetic.

This work is ongoing… MLZDESIGN is currently testing a variety of panel geometries for both lighting and vegetated art.

 Shaded views of panel geometry in Rhino

V-Ray rendering of the panel geometry in proposed wood

Close up V-Ray rendering of the panel geometry in proposed wood

CNC roughing pass on maple plywood at 50% complete

CNC roughing pass on maple plywood at 100% complete

Close up view of the individual perforations

CNC milled panel sanded and stained

Close up of CNC milled panel sanded and stained

CNC milled panel with vegetated wall backing for Sedum and mosses

Assembled CNC milled panel with vegetated wall backing for Sedum and mosses

Close up of assembled CNC milled panel with vegetated wall backing for Sedum and mosses

Close up of vegetation emerging through the preforations