I was invited to teach a design/build digital fabrication course for third year Landscape Architecture students at The Pennsylvania State University. The course is intended to be an intensive 7 week investigation into residual urban spaces, materiality, and digital/analog fabrication. The course will also attempt to develop a theoretical discourse for digital fabrication in landscape architecture and will culminate in a Green+Screen installation located along the Penn Avenue Arts corridor in Pittsburgh, PA. Funding for the installation will be provided by the Bloomfield Garfield Corporation (Green+Screen Sponsors) and The Pennsylvania State University. The class entitled “Residual landscape prototypes” will take students through the process of researching site, materials, designing, prototyping, redesigning, 1:1 mock ups, and finally full scale fabrication and installation. I am very excited to be teaching in Happy Valley and am indebted to my Green+Screen crew, especially Rebecca Mizikar who is co-teaching the class with me. The syllabus can be found here: PSU LArch 312 G+S Syllabus
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